

We have put in place the following measures to minimize your exposure to the virus when entering the building:


  • • It is mandatory for everyone to wear a face mask before entering the building. Those without a face mask would not be permitted entry.


  • • Hand washing and sanitizing facilities have been provided at both the front and rear entrances to the building. It is mandatory that everyone uses these facilities before entering the WTC.


  • • To minimize contact with surfaces, with the exception of the revolving door at the forecourt of the building which would be locked, all other entrance doors to the building at both the main and the rear entrances would be left open. This will eliminate the need for you to touch doors or door handles when entering. Nevertheless, as an added precaution all doors and door handles will be sanitized every 30 minutes.


  • • To maintain social distancing, floor markings have been placed at the forecourt and the rear drop-off, which form queues leading up to the entrances of the building. You are required to stand and move only along these markings. Only one person should stand on a marking. This would ensure the mandatory 1-meter social distancing between persons.
  •  • It is mandatory that everyone who is within the World Trade Center wears a face mask.


  • • The face mask must be worn at all times when a person is in the common areas of the building including, lift lobbies, lifts, washrooms, corridors on office floors, level 1, 2 and 3 lobbies, within retail spaces and restaurants, car park etc.


  • • Temperature screening will be carried out on every person entering the building.


  • • Any person with a body temperature above 99.14 Fahrenheit will not be permitted entry.


  • • Once permitted entry, all persons must stand and move in queues along the ground markings provided to ensure that social distancing is maintained. Markings have been provided from the entrances leading all the way to the lift lobbies of both towers.


  • • Security personnel will control entry of persons into the escalators at both the main and rear entrances to maintain social distancing.


  • • While escalator belts and handrails will be disinfected once in every 30 minutes it is recommended that you avoid touching the belts.


  • • Hand sanitizers have been provided at various common areas within the building including lift lobbies. Please use them regularly.


  • • Precautions to be taken when using the lifts are explained in question 3 below.


  • • Every person is required to maintain social distancing at all times within the building.
  • • Upon reaching the lift lobby in queues as explained in question 2 above, security personnel will not permit any person to enter the lift lobby until the arrival of a lift and exiting of passengers from that lift.


  • • Upon the lift being available, only 9 persons will be permitted to board each lift.


  • • The lift lobby also has ground markings leading to the lifts. Persons permitted entry into the lobby must follow these markings.


  • • The floor of each lift has been marked with locations and direction passengers must stand and face. Those who board the lift must strictly follow these markings. Signage has also been provided in the lift lobbies to further illustrate this standing arrangement.


  • • Sanitizers have been provided at level 03 lift lobbies. Please use them if required.


  • • Level 03 lift lobby call buttons will be disinfected every 30 minutes.


  • • All touch surfaces within the lift including the lift buttons, lift handrails etc will be disinfected every 3 hours.


  • • When boarding the lifts from your individual tower floors, the floor markings within the lift referred to above must be strictly observed. If all the marked spots within the lift are occupied, you must wait for the next available lift.


  • • Face masks should be worn at all times when inside the lifts.


  • • Lift lobby call buttons on individual office floors will be disinfected every 1 hour.


  • • To reduce the waiting time for the lifts, we have also made arrangements to open the fire exit staircases of each tower so that those who wish to use these stairs could do so bypassing the lift. If you wish to use these stairs to get to your office, please inform our security personnel when you get to level 03 lobby.
  • • Please see question 3 above and the guidelines set out for using tower lifts is also applicable when using Car Park and Low Block lifts.


  • • However, the number of persons permitted to use these lifts is limited to 06 per lift at any one time.
  • • According to the World Health Organization, the COVID-19 virus is primarily transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. As of now, there is no proven evidence on the virus being airborne unless you are less than 1-meter distance from a person who is already infected.


  • • However, the virus could be spread by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth before washing or sanitizing your hands.


  • • Based on the above it is highly unlikely that the virus could be transmitted through the building’s air conditioning system.


  • •Nevertheless, we have taken several initiatives such as increasing the number of fresh air exchanges and frequent cleaning of the filters of the blowers located on every tower floor to further minimize any risk.
  • • Try and avoid using these facilities if there is a large group waiting to use the same facility especially at peak times; instead use such facilities only when there are lesser number of people within or in proximity to the facility.


  • • Maintain social distancing at all times at these locations


  • • Avoid touching of the surfaces such as cashier counter, door handles, food display cabinets etc.


  • • Sanitize your hands as soon as you leave the facility


  • • Spending minimum time in the common/public areas is strongly recommended for your own safety.
  • • To minimize the risk of contamination when using the washroom, avoid entering if crowded.


  • • Practice social distancing within the washroom and wear your face mask.


  • • Refrain from touching surfaces you could avoid.


  • • Washroom entrance door locks will be unlatched so you can push open the door without touching the doorknob.


  • • Suitable disinfectants will be used each time the washrooms are cleaned which would be once every 2 hours.
  • • If a person records a higher temperature during the temperature check, such a person would be redirected to the isolation room which has been made available.


  • • If the person is an employee of a Tenant at the World Trade Center, that tenant will be informed.


  • • If the person is a visitor to the building, that person too will be escorted to the isolation room and not be allowed into the building beyond the main entrance.


  • • Follow up action will be decided by WTC management in consultation with the tenant and relevant authorities.
  • • If you suspect any person within the WTC to be infected, please inform Mr Aruna Wanniarachichi, General Manager – Safety and Security of WTC on 0767851354 or 0112346333.


  • • We will then investigate the situation and make arrangements to discretely move that person using the Service Lift or stairs to the isolation room.


  • • WTC Management will then take appropriate follow up action in consultation with the relevant authorities.


  • • We will also disinfect the service lift used by the person as well as the pathways he/she took in walking to the isolation room. The isolation room will also be disinfected subsequently.


  • • Further, we will ensure that the tenant implements the guidelines provided by the relevant authorities regarding the disinfection of their office/retail premises.


  • • If required, WTC Management will assist the authorities with contacts and other formalities.
  • • Those with Season Passes or have been issued with proximity cards do not have to come into contact with any surface of the card reader or the cashier booth as the card does not have any physical contact with the reader. You only have to place the card in close proximity to the reader and the barrier would open.


  • •However, if you have to pay for parking, after the transaction is complete, use the hand sanitizer placed at the car park booth to disinfect your hands before leaving the car park.


  • • As an added precaution all par park cashier points will be disinfected every 1 hour.
  • •In order to maintain a safe environment for commuters, the interior of the shuttle bus will be disinfected after each trip.


  • •Only 05 passengers would be permitted to board the shuttle so that social distancing could be maintained.


  • •It is mandatory that you wear your face mask at all times while waiting for the shuttle as well as whilst inside the vehicle.


  • •Any person without a mask would not be permitted to board the shuttle.


  • • The chairs provided at the Chalmers car park would be regularly disinfected.


  • •Social distancing has to be practiced while waiting for the shuttle and while inside the vehicle.


  • •Sanitize your hands after disembarking the shuttle
  • • Disinfectant chambers are not recommended by the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka (page 08 – Operational Guidelines on Preparedness and Response for COVID–19 Outbreak for Work Settings by Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka). Based on these guidelines we have not installed such chambers.
  • • We acknowledge that implementation of these measures will cause delays to your work routine. However, these measures have been put in place for your safety and the safety of those around you.


  • • Therefore, we kindly request you to remain patient and follow the established procedures.


  • • We also recommend that you plan your work schedule taking these delays into account.


  • • However, we will make every effort to minimize the inconvenience caused to you.
  • •Yes, you would have to go through the same procedure every time you re-enter the building.


  • •However, the time taken to reach your office may reduce significantly based on the time you re-enter the building. During peak times, such as morning and lunch time, you will most likely experience some delays. Therefore, if you could you plan your work routine to take advantage of the off-peak periods this will likely help you.
  • • Within your office premises, used facemasks should be disposed into an enclosed waste bin with a lid. This bin should have a disposable garbage bag placed within it for ease of removing the filled bin later on for final disposal. The bins should be pedal operated so that you don’t have to touch the bin, thus risking your hands getting infected in the process of trying to dispose the masks.


  • • The garbage bag which contains the masks should be removed from the bin, securely tied to prevent any masks from falling out, be labelled ‘used masks’ and left in the service lift lobby on your floor by 6.00 pm every day for our collection and disposal.


  • • Used masks can also be disposed into the pedal operated waste bins provided in washrooms.

These are some additional steps you could take to minimize risk levels at your workplace as well as the World Trade Center


Be familiar and follow the Workplace Safety Guidelines issued by Ministry of Health Sri Lanka / WHO. This could be accessed through these links: https://covid19.gov.lk/, https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses


  • • Avoid getting personnel from high risk areas as identified by the Authorities to work in your office.


  • • If possible, re-arrange work stations to maintain social distancing.


  • • Ensure that your offices are clean and hygienic at all times.


  • • Surfaces (e.g. desks and tables) and equipment (e.g. telephones, keyboards) should be regularly disinfected.


  • • Promote regular sanitization and handwashing by employees, clients and visitors to your office.


  • • Minimize the number of visitors that come to your office.


  • • Avoid physical meetings / gatherings as much as possible and promote online meetings.


  • • Promote good respiratory hygiene at the work place.


  • • Strictly follow health authority guidelines when commuting.


  • • Proper disposal of used masks, tissues, gloves, etc.


  • • Consider disinfecting your tenanted area by a professional service provider.

Should you require any further clarification on the FAQs, please do not hesitate to contact


Aruna Wanniarachchi
General Manager – Safety and Security on 076 785 1354
Jeewaka Samarasekara
Head of Facilities Management on 076 361 1865.